Highly Recommended Blogs

         One thing that I have learned about education and blogging is if you are a new and young teacher and you need to find anything at all and that means anything then all you need to do is look that up and you can find a blog about anything teaching wise there is a blog for anything you can need when it come to education. There are even blogs for certain subjects like math and English or any subject you could wish to find one on. There was one I have read on math where the blog is called Musing Mathematically and in this blog I learned a bunch of different ways to solve complex and simple mathematical problems. There are even blogs for new teachers specifically which are made to show new teachers easy ways for them to run their class room and do other things when they are brand new teachers. So one thing i have learned reading blogs is that there is one for everyone especially when it comes to education. Another thing I have learned is many little classroom ideas from these blogs and many things on which to do and thing that will help once I am done school and am a teacher. One that I thought was awesome was a blog i read called Rundes Room this blog showed me many cool little things teachers can do in their classrooms. In the general sense i have learned so much about education blogs and the biggest thing for me would be that if you have questions they are a great place to go they have so many different types of educational blogs they have ones for all grades in grade school and there are even ones for the college level. Any question a person or young or old teacher has they will be able to find an answer because there is a blog for everything.

        There are a few blogs I have read that really have stuck out to me and they are ones that I recommend every teacher to read or even students or people wanting to become some sort of teacher. One that I really liked was call Ignite, Incite, Inspire and this one was really good. The author of this blog is named Neil Finney and in this blog he talks about ways to inspire and to change the way we are teaching students. Neil says "Incorporating more technology and driving our programing through a student-centered model will reach our learners and meet their potential effectivity" The reason why I think this blog is worth a read is because Neil is trying to change the way we are teaching student and they way he is saying we should would prove more effective and I think more educators should read this so that they can incorporate some of the things Neil talks about into their teaching styles. Another blog i really liked and think most teachers and educators should use is Ms. Cassidys Classroom Blog in this blog Ms. Cassidy just writes and post blogs about what goes on in her classroom each day and on how she is running the classroom. The reason i think that this is one that educators should look at and read is because it in looking at how Ms. Cassidy runs her class it could then show ways that might work for a new and young educator if they are struggling. The reason Ms. Cassidys blog is so good is because she shows a way of teaching the students what they need to learn along with the students also having fun. An example was for problem solving she used toys like hot wheel cars and Legos. I highly recommend Ms. Cassidys blog if you are a new teacher just starting your journey. The last blog that I would highly recommend to educators to read is Rundes Room in her blog she shows ways to decorate classrooms so they look appealing and fun to the students. She teaches younger students and I recommend this blog to younger teachers and the reasoning for that is because with her help they can decorate their new classroom so its not only nice for them but also for their new students. Which would greatly help a new teacher to peak the interest of the their new students. So these are just three blogs that I recommend to educators they are all fun to read as well as very educational.


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