Is Blogging As A Teacher Good
EDTS 325
I personally think that blogging as a teacher is a great thing for teachers to do and that more teachers should be doing it. I think that it is a great way for them to vent but also a good way for them to get out ways that they do certain things and ways that they find works when it comes to their teaching style. With them doing that it would help new and young teachers to find ways that will make everything easier for them and it can help them to find new ways that might work for them if they are struggling in the classroom. It is also a great way for teachers to new or older to communicate and talk to each other without having to go to things like conferences and big meetings like that. I think that blogging as a teacher is a great way for teachers to do many things and it can also help the teacher whos is blogging to work on their own personal development. I think blogging as a teacher would be a great thing for education and it could help education move forward and get better as a whole. Blogging as a teacher could also create ways of learning for students in their class. A teacher could put up a blog for their students to view that would allow them to see how they could study for an exam in their class or many other things like ways to help memorize material and other parts of learning like that. I think blogging could be a huge thing for education and a great thing for teachers.
I have read the blog ten reasons why every educator should start blogging and I think i agree with every reason that they have said teacher should blog. A reason that has been said is that it is a good way to create home school connections and they talk about how many teachers have created a class blog or as they put it "a virtual window into the classroom", it is a great way for not just the teachers and students to be connected from home but also the parents and other family members who would like to be apart of their family members learning. I agree with that because it is good for parent engagement in their Childs learning and blogging as a teacher would make that a big thing in education. Another thing that it said blogging would be good for is literacy practice which i also would agree with because the students will have to read the blogs and write things one them which in my perspective would be great for literacy skills. The final big thing i agree with this blog on is how teachers blogging could improve internet safety in the post they say how internet blogging could be a great way to discuss internet safety and I say that would make great sense because blogging is done on the internet. Those are all points that stood out to me in that post and they are also all ones that I very highly agree with. That internet post and all of those points where written by Kathleen Morris on January 3, 2018.Ten Reasons Every Educator Should Start Blogging – The Edublogger The next blog I read was called Why More Teachers Should Blog. In this one I really agree with everything they are saying as well they talk about how blogging shows you care about your students and your profession and they also talk about which is my favorite one and this one stuck out to me the most is blogging as a teacher helps to connect you with like minded educators which in my mind that is the best thing about teachers blogging. So this post by Jeffery E. Frieden is the one that stuck out to me the most he shared some of the same ideas as me on why teachers should blog. Why More Teachers Should (Re)Start Blogging – MAKE THEM MASTER IT
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